Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Ritual" - Creative Media Project Three

Frames for the animation below were created on Photoshop followed by animating in Macromedia Flash. The head was modled in plasticine and photographed before being added to the digitally generated scenario.

For the theme of 'Ritual' the focus was on daily rituals in the form of routines and habits. The animation displays a characters coffee routine where the event reoccurs at the same times ritualistically.

Coffee Ritual Animation.

Following on from the last I decided to create another animation, this time involving collage including text and photographs, For example in the cereal box.

Breakfast Ritual Animation.

Animation Workshop

Below are four short animations created on Macromedia Flash as experiments, learning the basics of animating.

This animation was created by rotoscoping frames of Eadweard Muybridge's photography in my notepad followed by scanning each page.

The teapot and cup were created free-hand onscreen using a wacom graphics tablet.

The coffee jug was created again using a graphics tablet, this time on photoshop saving .jpeg's of each mouth position ready for lipsyncing. Two versions were saved of each position, each with the glasses and coffee in slightly different positions so that when varied the jug would appear to be less static.

The hand drawn method as used for the horse was used again for each mouth position ready for lip syncing.